Deskside w/De Luca Issue 6: Time To Update Your Reading List

Vanessa K. De Luca
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2020


Dear ZORA Family,

I don’t know about you, but as the quarantine life stretches onward, I’ve been looking for ways to pass the downtime. I find myself navigating back to all of the pastimes I used to enjoy when I was younger, like puzzles, crosswords and find-a-words—even needlepoint (I was a very old soul at age 13). But of all of the amusements that I’ve missed, reading is right there at the top.

Earlier this year, the ZORA editors—aided by an august advisory board—took on the task of compiling a list of the 100 best books by African-American women produced over the last 160 years. What makes me most proud is that we were able to capture the depth and breadth of our canon, and include literary giants alongside some lesser known authors. We also compiled a separate list of up-and-comers to watch.

I say all this to say that if you’re feeling a bit listless — and aren’t we all at this point—we’ve got you covered with recommendations that both stand the test of time and that will help you pass the time. What’s more, we’ve even created an Instagram Book Club so we can all enjoy the same book together.

The book we’ve chosen this month is The Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler. This prescient pick is set in the 2020s where society has largely collapsed due to climate change, growing wealth inequality, and corporate greed. Sounds eerily familiar, right?

I hope you’ll join us over the next 30 days as we dive into this very special selection. And of course, we’re updating daily with fresh content on that we hope continues to keep you informed and entertained during these uncharted times.

Stay in touch,

Vanessa K. De Luca, Editor-in-chief


Read: Black Women Are The Adults In The Room

Read: Angelica Ross Is More Than a Scene Stealer

Read: The Exhausting Balancing Act of Motherhood and Caregiving

Read: There Is an Art to Isolation: Here’s A Guide to Staying Centered

Read: Your Nail Tech, Salon Owner and Boutique Owner Need You



Vanessa K. De Luca
Writer for

Editor-in-chief of @zoramag @medium. Wife, mom, daughter, friend, community servant. Twitter and IG: @Vanessa_KDeLuca