Black women are tired of saving everyone

Jolie A. Doggett
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4 min readAug 21, 2020


Did you catch the Democratic National Convention this week? If you didn’t, I’m sure you’ve at least seen the speeches trending. Joe Biden may be getting the nomination but Black women were the stars of the DNC.

The interwebs went up for Forever FLOTUS Michelle Obama after she called out Trump for being the cruel, trash president that he is and urged us to get him out. Kamala Harris made history accepting the nomination for Vice President and praised the Black women who helped her get here. Actress Kerry Washington gave everyone a history lesson on the work it takes to create a more perfect union.

All of these Black women implored — practically begged! — the American people to vote, to take this one small action to make this country a better place than it has been these last 4 years.

Are we listening to them?

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This isn’t the first time Black women have had to step up and speak out about the changes we need to see in America. Earlier this week, we celebrated the anniversary of the 19th amendment and the Black women who worked tirelessly 100 years ago to earn the right to vote. Now Black women are wielding that voting power in an effort to save this country.

But we can’t do it alone. 100 years ago, white suffragists pushed Black women to the back burner. Four years ago, 53% of white women did the same thing in the last presidential election. Black women are still trying to undo the damage that’s been done. Isn’t it past time for the rest of the country to step up?

Honestly, it’s getting a little exhausting being the moral compass of a nation. Black women are awesome, it’s true. We’re super but we are not superheroes. We cannot save all y’all all the time.

Michelle said in her DNC speech that “going high is the only thing that works” but Black women have been taking the high road and carrying everyone on their backs along with them. Black women have been trying to tell y’all how to save yourselves. It’s time to listen.

Jolie A. Doggett, ZORA platform editor
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Join the ZORA Canon Book Club!

Read along with ZORA for our ZORA Canon Book Club. This month’s pick is Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments by Saidiya Hartman and there’s still time to catch up! Follow us on Instagram where we’ll be posting discussion questions, quotes, and other fun content on throughout August.

🎤 Having Our Say 🎤

Writer Britni Danielle spoke with ESPN alums Jemele Hill and Cari Champion about their new late-night talk show, “Stick To Sports” where the two will unapologetically share their opinions and some laughs. In an excerpt from their interview below, Cari explores the difficulty of being taken seriously as a Black woman in sports entertainment.

Cari: I think it was hard because our voices have been muted for so long. Black women never, until most recently — I mean five minutes ago — have people paying attention and listening to them. Even with Kamala Harris being on the Democratic ticket, it’s still this thing where there’s a way to ignore the voice. It’s unfortunate, because [Black women] are the soul of America. We hold our men down. And everybody wants to thank their mama when they win these awards. They want to buy their mama a house when they get the big contract.

➡️ Read the full interview with Jemele and Cari.

The Best of Us

News, art, and stories worth celebrating. All by or for WOC.

Monroe High School teacher Mrs. Williams has gone viral with her remix to Jack Harlow’s song “What’s Poppin’” featuring choreography and rhymes to get students excited about the new school year.

Eunique Jones Gibson’s viral game #CultureTags is now available online at Target! Spice up your quarantine with some hilarious family fun. Congratulations!

LAMBS unite! Mariah Carey has announced a new album, The Rarities, scheduled for release in October. The album includes a feature from Lauryn Hill! Can’t wait!

Dominique Fisher is a scene stealer and show stopper in Netflix’s new superhero series, Project Power. Check out ZORA’s review of the hit series.

Katori Hall’s masterful show P Valley on Starz combines so much: working class Black women, power asymmetries in a small Mississippi town, and gender politics.

Kerry Washington gave a shout out to her 8th grade constitutional law teacher at the DNC and guess what? The teacher and student reconnected on Twitter! So cute!

❤️ If you haven’t heard, ZORA launched The Pleasure Principle, a new series all about sex, self-pleasure and self love. Check out the stories and take our Solo Sex Survey so we can learn more about how you’re putting your needs first. ❤️

🗣️ The Last Word 🗣️

“When Black women stand up — as they did during the Montgomery Bus Boycott — as they did during the Black liberation era, earth-shaking changes occur.”

— Angela Davis.

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Jolie A. Doggett
Writer for

writer | editor | reader | podcaster | people person | (i used to work here ☺️)