Use Your Mouth: Express Yourself and Your Sensual Needs This Week

Amber the Alchemist explains this week’s tarot and oracle pull

Amber the Conduit
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2021


Baba Cutlass Tarot Card. Akamara Deck.

The medicine offered us by the tarot card Baba Cutlass is one of discernment, logic, awareness, clarity, logic, structure, and authority. It blends well with the astrological transits of this week as well. Paired with Mercury (the planet of communication) currently stationed in the sign of Gemini, we have an opportunity to sort out all matters of the mind, expression, and communication. In our May 2021 horoscope, ZORA resident astrologer Ashleigh D. Jay says of this transit: “it’s important to write, record, and document all ideas that come to mind. It’s practically an idea factory, but the key is to know where to place all of these concepts and thoughts.”

It’s time to pick up the journals that have been collecting dust on your shelf and put your pen to use. If you don’t know where to begin, a brain dump is the perfect start. Jot down all thoughts (from personal and household chores to business relations) that have been running through your mind. From there you’ll have an optic of what needs to be done, leaving little room for forgetfulness and procrastination. Your podcast, book, dissertation, research, or spring cleaning has waited long enough! Some of…




Published in ZORA

A publication from Medium that centers the stories, poetry, essays and thoughts of women of color.

Amber the Conduit
Amber the Conduit

Written by Amber the Conduit

— conjuring prophetic messages in style🔮👢 ✍🏾 Sweet July columnist ☎️ txt the hot honey line (877) 636-2461 👁️‍🗨️ community: house of ayida

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