Illustrations: Dani Pendergast


Dissolve Unfruitful Alliances in Order to Grow: Your Horoscope This Week

The astrology of March 1–March 7


Word for the week

Give up the ghost(s).

Three things

  • Some things weren’t impossible; they just weren’t an option you were open to.
  • Connect with your senses. Relocate your baseline.
  • You are the architect of your dreams and (most of) your reality. Build in both places, not just one.

Moons of the week

Don’t forget to record how you feel as the moon changes signs. In a month or two, you will see a pattern. Take note!

  • Moon enters Libra — Since February 28 @ 1:17 p.m. CT
  • Moon enters Scorpio — March 2 @ 2:38 p.m. CT
  • Moon enters Sagittarius — March 4 @ 4:43 p.m. CT
  • Moon enters Capricorn — March 6 @ 8:20 p.m. CT

Summary of the week

As we contend with the cleanup from last weekend’s Virgo full moon, we spend the first part of the week navigating the process of dissolving and building alliances. Early Wednesday, Venus (in Pisces) collaborates with Uranus (in Taurus)…



Ashleigh D. Jay
Writer for

#Aquarius astrologer finding the logic behind your instincts. | I talk about business, self-mastery, and pop culture.