What It’s Like to Be the Daughter of a Famous Comedian Who’s Now Dead

Bernie’s Daughter
12 min readOct 20, 2021


You might be surprised to learn that it’s not always a laughing matter.

Me and Daddy at his 40th birthday party.

Last week, an actor named Jamie Costa channeled the late Robin Williams in an uncanny impersonation in a now viral video titled, ROBIN Test Footage Scene. In the clip, Costa is reenacting the moment the late Williams learned that beloved comedian and his friend, John Belushi died. As someone who was a huge fan of the late actor and comic, I was almost amazed by Costa’s impersonation. But while amazed, I didn’t think that Robin Williams’ children needed to see it. I didn’t wonder what they thought and as it turns out, I didn’t have to because his daughter Zelda, took to social media to ask people to stop flooding her with the video. In her own words, she thought people sending it to her was “weird.” I can relate to her feelings and not because I’m an empathetic person (even though I am). I can relate because I’ve had to make the same request.

You see, my dad was a comedian. Not just any comedian. My dad was the late Bernie Mac, one of the Original Kings of Comedy. I’ve heard people claim him as the GOAT of comedy and list him as one of the five of their Mt. Rushmore of comedy legends. He became so successful that he was able to transition his standup career into film and…



Bernie’s Daughter

Writer, mother, and daughter of a famous dead guy. Still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, but I hear growing up is overrated.