The Year I Became My Own Superhero

Everything you want is on the other side of your comfort zone

Shanita Hubbard


A photo of a confident black woman standing against a blue brick background in a power pose.
Photo: Cecilie_Arcurs/Getty Images

II started 2019 exhausted, lonely, and two unexpected flat tires away from being broke. I’m a single mom, a professor, and a freelance journalist meaning I spend most days running on fumes while juggling parenting obligations, speaking engagements, writing projects, and teaching responsibilities. I had very little time for my relationships, let alone my damn self, and I operated with the understanding that any unforeseen financial emergency could cause my world to fall apart

I desperately needed to make changes in my life. I craved a healthier life with more financial freedom. But my fear of change prevented the former and professional setbacks created the latter. I felt stuck and lost, in need of rescue from the stifling comfort zone I found myself trapped in. Everything I needed to transform was on the other side of this comfort zone but getting to the other side was a whole other story. Steadily gathering the strength of mind and body to snatch myself out of the dangerous grasp of my own complacency turned out to be my superpower, and when I discovered the power of my faith, consistency, and determination, I became my own superhero and rescued myself.

ByBy the end of January 2019, I already felt like I was off to a bad start. I had…



Shanita Hubbard
Writer for

It was either strip or write. I decided to write cause my abs aint right. Bylines @ESSENCE, FUSION, EBONY, The Root, Griots Republic and more