Tattoos Are a Part of Our History, So Why Are They So Taboo?

We are still being subjected to unfair prejudices when it comes to this practice

Aish Mann


Photo: Minal Jainn/EyeEm/Getty Images

TTattoos have been around for centuries. From Native Americans to ancient Egyptians to Maori tribes, tattoos have held significance in a lot of cultures. They symbolize a person’s identity in a number of ways, whether it’s status within a community, passage into adulthood, or a connection with a particular group.

Art and symbolism are some of the most consistent forms of communication we humans have sustained over the span of our existence. Art, drawings, and symbols have all, time and time again, helped us to express ourselves — whether to communicate with others or with ourselves. It is only natural that we have come to wear forms of symbolic art on our skin forever.

However, as European imperialism spread around the globe, the tradition of tribal tattooing and body art in Asian and African countries was denigrated and deemed “savage” because the practice was unfamiliar to European colonists. Settlers and missionaries imposed their beliefs of modesty and Christianity on the areas where they ruled, and tattoo culture slowly died away. They called this process of killing off cultures and practices “modernization.” Tattoos changed from being an expression of…



Aish Mann
Writer for

An economist by training & a writer by soul, I write about topics that I feel add value to the world.