She’s Been Through the Storm, and Now Helps Others Navigate It

The Rev. Dr. LaKeesha Walrond is the first Black woman to lead the New York Theological Seminary

Candice Marie Benbow
5 min readSep 10, 2019


Rev. Dr. LaKeesha Walrond laughs while sitting on a window ledge in her fifth floor Upper Manhattan office.
Rev. Dr. LaKeesha Walrond, in her office in Upper Manhattan. Photography: Laurel Golio

InIn her fifth floor Upper Manhattan office, Rev. Dr. LaKeesha Walrond has come a long way from the seventh grader sent to an alternative school for fighting. “Girl you’ve got a good fight in you,”…



Candice Marie Benbow
Writer for

Candice Marie Benbow is a theologian, essayist and creative who situates her work at the intersections of beauty, faith, feminism and culture.