Reimagining Mercury Retrogrades

Camille Michelle Gray
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2021


No more Merc RX histrionics please. It’s going to be okay.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

I am not a Mercury retrograde (RX) doomsayer. So much of the narrative around this thrice annual event is a bit dramatic. When you account for Mercury’s shadow phases, where the events and topics of your specific retrograde start building up, breaking down, and resolving, you can see that each of these period is a few weeks long. Mercury will be doing RX things for 20 weeks out of the year, each year! Compound that over a lifetime. That’s no insignificant amount of time. So instead of prescribing a specific remedy for Mercury RX, I want to take this opportunity to reframe Mercury RX in general.

It’s time we find a way to function within Mercury RX periods with less histrionics. My reimagining of Mercury retrograde is less about avoidance of decision making, and more about intentional decision making. When Mercury turns within, we are also invited to turn within. I agree that the outward and functional Mercury retrograde advice is important. These are the things we have all heard and try to heed. Review! Cross your T’s and dot your I’s! Don’t call your ex! These are all great ways to either avoid or abate those miscommunications and crossed wires. But life must go on. People need to sign leases. People need to interview for jobs. People need to travel. People need to pay bills. Conversations will need to be…

