Illustrations: Dani Pendergast

Prepare for Tense Endings and a Lunar Eclipse

Astrology that centers women of color: June 1–June 7, 2020


Last week’s uprisings in the U.S. — in Minneapolis, Memphis, and Los Angeles — showcased the power of our collective courage. Courage is defined as “the ability to do something that frightens one; strength in the face of pain or grief.” As we remain glued to our various devices, we see the arrogance of the government, political leaders, and our society as a whole. You can’t be pro-life and do everything in your power to end lives. Our interactions at the beginning of the week highlight where our beliefs and religious practices need work. Are you ready to walk a new talk? This is the time to determine the risk and opportunity of social gatherings as we attempt to change the world.

Venus (retrograde in Gemini) squares Mars (in Pisces) on Tuesday, immersing us in discord and revealing the delusions of our actions. This aspect shows the potential of war due to the lack of compassion, honesty, and humanity in our society. This is where conflict helps separate fantasy from the truth of what our social structures really are.

In the middle of a storm, there’s the destruction that everyone’s paying attention to and then there are moves being made while…



Ashleigh D. Jay
Writer for

#Aquarius astrologer finding the logic behind your instincts. | I talk about business, self-mastery, and pop culture.