Prepare for Mars to Go Direct, and Prepare for Change: Your Astrology Today

Retrograde is finally ending. Time to get back to work.

Adrienne Gibbs


Today marks a “change in the empire” energetic mark. Can you feel it? ZORA’s resident astrologer, Ashleigh D. Jay, says this week is a game changer in terms of telling the truth and coming to grips with self and other. Mars also goes direct tomorrow, ending a season of shade that might still linger on a few extra days. Covid-19 takes center stage.

Here’s what else she said in this week’s ZORAscope:

Fittingly, on Thursday, Jupiter joins Pluto in Capricorn, signaling a major shift in power. This is a change-in-the-empire type of energy, along with an overwhelming push for ambition and ownership. Jupiter is seeking improvement while looking to build one’s integrity and respect. You can either start a brand-new world or ruin the one that you have. Whatever you do, don’t let it be fake and don’t let it flop. We will hear more news about the death toll due to the pandemic and perhaps begin a collective grieving process.

As for Friday, when Mars goes direct at 6:36 p.m. CT, we all can being to shake the dust off and make better, more strategic plans.

As Ashleigh writes:

This is where Mars begins to shake off the dust and our frustration reaches a turning point. As we create and discover new strategies to manage our energy, we also have to learn to keep some plans quiet until it’s time to share them with the world. As Mars moves forward, we could begin to recognize where separation, anger, violence, inaction, and (passive) aggression have gotten us. Expect displays and various abuses of power as Mars gets recalibrated.



Adrienne Gibbs
Writer for

Director of Content @Medium. Award-winning journalist. Featured in a Beyoncé reel. Before now? EBONY, Netflix, Sun-Times, Miami Herald, Boston Globe.