Prep for Saturday’s New Moon in Pisces

Clear a closet, set an intention, and get ready to raise the vibration

Adrienne Gibbs


New moon through tree branches.
Photo: Jia Liu/Getty Images

We are only in Pisces season, and already 2021 feels like a whole entire year. If you are interested in slowing down, resetting, and reminding yourself what you want your year to be going forward, this Pisces new moon might provide some aid and assistance.

As astrologer Ashleigh D. Jay writes in this week’s Zorascope, the new moon on Saturday is an opportunity to revisit your dreams and clear out stagnant energy — or closets.

In part, Jay says this:

Saturday is a busy one starting with the Pisces new moon at 4:21 a.m. CT, which allows us to see magic in a new way. This is an energy that’s useful for developing a fresh relationship with the unseen. This doesn’t mean that you should irresponsibly mess with whatever spiritual practice strikes your fancy. It means that you’re giving more attention to your dreams and visions while learning to integrate more of them into your life. There is a powerful personal transformation available to you via hidden talents. Give yourself permission to do some creative and spiritual exploration. You can clear out stagnant waters via crying, bathing, singing, painting, and anything else that makes you feel the fullness of your being. Under this new moon…



Adrienne Gibbs
Writer for

Director of Content @Medium. Award-winning journalist. Featured in a Beyoncé reel. Before now? EBONY, Netflix, Sun-Times, Miami Herald, Boston Globe.