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Post Eclipse Spirit Medicine
We’re hungover from the eclipse energy. What do we do now?
To say that eclipse season shook us to our core would be an understatement. True, we know to strap on our seatbelts when lunar and solar eclipses hop on the roof… but damn. The polarities of the Taurean and Scorpionic energies have been playing tug-a-war with our lives. Taurus season wanted us to get to the root of what really matters: our family, the Earth and how we inhabit it, financial stability, and naturally, security and luxury. The Scorpio lunar eclipse energy felt like a funeral, in a way, forcing us to make amends with the past and say our goodbyes. To transmute and neutralize forces that have cast shadows of fear, negativity, shame or doubt. The past three eclipses have showcased what’s no longer working, and when we’re playing with our time and energy it can be hard to accept that a pivot is in order. These opposing energies make it increasingly difficult to balance. Like, are we growing or starting a new garden? And the last few months, it’s been up to you decide.
With Mercury Retrograde’s trickster vibes continuing their creep on us, Gemini season starts on May 20th, and confusion and uncertainty may be lingering in the air. I wanted to pull some cards for us this week focusing on the aftereffects of the…