
New Moon, New Beginnings On April 11, 2021

Endings signal new starts as the Aries New Moon kicks into gear this weekend.

Adrienne Gibbs


Photo by Mohit Sharma on Unsplash

Whatever you do, wait until after the New Moon — or the Dark Moon — to set your next intentions. And know that endings always mean beginnings. This is all written in the sky, according to resident ZORA astrologer Ashleigh D. Jay in the April monthly ZORAscope. The New Moon happens when the light of the moon is nearly completely hidden from view for a day or two. After that? It begins to slowly gain a growing sliver of light.

Once you’ve gathered yourself a bit, the Aries new moon on April 11 will help you take the necessary steps into your new beginning.

Jay says April offers a new start for many. Still, she cautions against thinking that everyone in your sphere, workplace or local community needs to agree with you and your course of action.

What are you willing to do to be who you are? Are you willing to protect (or not impede on) others’ right to do the same?

April holds more delights for many signs and some sobering truths for others. Catch up on all the tea here in this month’s ZORAscope.



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