
Federal officers in camoflague walk amidst tear gas while quelling protestors in Portland.


America: One Nation Under Occupation

The promise of American carnage has arrived

A photo of a black woman wearing a face mask voting at a poll booth in Kentucky.


Don’t Let High Turnout Distract You From the Reality of Voter Suppression

An archival photo of African American women walking to work/go shopping during the Montgomery Bus Boycott.


Movements Are Nothing Without Endurance

The Bus Boycott took a year; don’t get…

A photo of police tear gassing protestors as the police ride on horses past them.


Fascism Has Arrived in America. Now What?

Trump is an autocrat, and here’s why…


Amy Cooper and the White Embrace of Racism

Lynchings abound, and ‘Karens’ keep…

A photo of Governor Brian Kemp.


Incompetent Governors Are Jeopardizing Our Mental Health

The leadership has…

A photo of a black woman holding up a “CLOSED” sign in front of her store.


The Bailouts Won’t Save Black-Owned Businesses

Small business PPP loans aren’t…

A photo of anti-shutdown protestors protesting from their car. Two white women hold US flags and “Trump 2020.”


The Racism of Reopening the U.S. Too Soon

Communities of color stand to lose…

A photo of Yamiche Alcindor asking Trump a question at a press briefing.


Stop Airing Trump’s Press Briefings

Enough is enough — have we learned nothing…

A photo of Kristi Noem talking to Mike Pence and Donald Trump at a meeting.

MONITOR: Election 2020

Republican Governors Aren’t Taking the Pandemic Seriously