Manifestation Is Political

We cannot ignore the barriers that are intentionally put in place to keep Black people from thriving

J. Chavae
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2021


Woman meditating in the backyard.
Photo: FG Trade/Getty Images

People throw around the word manifestation like all you have to do is see it to believe it, completely spiritual bypassing the fact that manifestation, in part, is a privilege due to how this world is set up in favor of particular people (wealthy and White).

Manifestation is much more than wishful thinking. It’s active planning, visualization, and habit-changing to bring about the life goals you want.

This work becomes way more challenging if your basic needs (governed by your root chakra) aren’t being met, if your livelihood is constantly being threatened, or if your freedom of expression (sacral chakra) is thwarted or repressed.

People living in poverty, surrounded by a dangerous environment, dealing with racism or sexual suppression, struggling with health or employment, juggling caring for themselves and others, or all of the above may find it hard to feel the security and freedom necessary to manifest their goals.

Stability that has to be present in order to see the results of intentional manifestation.

We can’t just wish our way out as much as we want to. We need to find balance for our basic needs before we can start visioning a new life.

“What is manifestation?” you might ask. Manifestation is a process of making the unseen, seen. It is bringing something from the mind’s eye into one’s physical reality. Manifestation requires a steady and intentional focus of energy. This is why someone who does not have a stable foundation and is constantly worrying about their survival may have a difficult time manifesting. They cannot sustain a clear and steady channel to focus on what they want to manifest; their energy is being blocked or pulled away to focus on SURVIVAL.

Manifestation is largely internal and energetic work, but we cannot ignore the very real and present physical and psychological barriers that are intentionally put in place to keep people from THRIVING.

