Look To the North Star for Your Truth
‘Heading in the right direction does not mean void of disappointments or failure.’
North Star (Reversed) and Surrender
This week provides hope and healing to us, but questions our readiness and receptiveness to move forward and allow the Universe to naturally work its magick.
When followed, the North Star directs us home. With each step we take, we inch closer towards peace, healing and relief. The North Star’s reversal for this week’s message indicates that there are opportunities to heal and move forward, but there is some resistance on our end. This could be resistance to accept the truth, denial around our circumstances or completely neglecting our faith. There’s a message I channeled a few weeks ago in a meditation with my guides that has stuck with me: “heading in the right direction does not mean void of disappointments or failure.” It was a wake up call that we often have these preconceived notions around growth that we can often forget that you may have to take two steps back to take two steps forward. Healing doesn’t mean painless. In fact, the most radical healing takes place after those painful endings, unexpected changes and releases.