Illustrations: Dani Pendergast


Little Luxuries, Meditation, and Music Mark This Week’s Pisces New Moon in Your Horoscope This Week

The astrology of March 8–March 14

Word for the week

The details of our fantasies tell the truth about our deepest desires.

Three things

  • What are the things/people you engage with when you want to escape?
  • How do fantasy and illusion play a role in your life?
  • What comes up when you hear the word “dream”?

Moons of the week

Don’t forget to record how you feel as the moon changes signs. In a month or two, you will see a pattern. Take note!

  • Moon enters Capricorn — Since March 6 at 8:20 p.m. CT
  • Moon enters Aquarius — March 9 at 1:41 a.m. CT
  • Moon enters Pisces — March 11 at 8:44 a.m. CT
  • Moon enters Aries — March 13 at 5:44 p.m. CT

Summary of the week

This time around, Pisces is the star of the show starting with the sun joining Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday evening. We’re doing a lot of work around dissolving portions of our ego or immersing ourselves into it. This is a week of intuitive heightening and exploring our discernment. This transit wants to help us shine light on the substances and beliefs that leave us feeling foggy. How can you have more compassion for yourself and others? One way to start is becoming aware of our limits.

Saturday is a busy one starting with the Pisces new moon at 4:21 a.m. CT, which allows us to see magic in a new way. This is an energy that’s useful for developing a fresh relationship with the unseen. This doesn’t mean that you should irresponsibly mess with whatever spiritual practice strikes your fancy. It means that you’re giving more attention to your dreams and visions while learning to integrate more of them into your life. There is a powerful personal transformation available to you via hidden talents. Give yourself permission to do some creative and spiritual exploration. You can clear out stagnant waters via crying, bathing, singing, painting, and anything else that…



Ashleigh D. Jay
Writer for

#Aquarius astrologer finding the logic behind your instincts. | I talk about business, self-mastery, and pop culture.