Just in Time for the Holidays: 6 Steps to a Happier You

‘Tis the season to focus on your happiness and well-being

Jennifer R. Farmer


Photo: Caiaimage/Sam Edwards/Getty Images

IfIf you have ever battled depression, you know that happiness and feeling good are not to be taken for granted. If you’ve ever struggled to pull yourself out of bed, to prepare yourself to go out in the world, or to just care for your most basic needs, you understand that the days when you feel well are to be cherished.

You may even analyze the days when you feel good so you can replicate them in the future. You think about what you did, what you ate, where you went, who you were with. You think about the conversations that rejuvenated you and those that seemed to zap the life right out of you. You study these things as if doing so is your professional job. You understand that one day, perhaps one day soon, you will need to retrace your path and duplicate the very things that once brought you joy.

I know this struggle well. And I know many other people will find themselves confronting depression in their lives, especially as we enter what is considered one of the most stressful seasons: the holiday season.

Even though it is the season of giving, it’s important to focus on yourself.



Jennifer R. Farmer
Writer for

I’m a mother, trainer, lecturer and author of the forthcoming book, “First and Only: How Black Women Thrive.” Follow me on IG/Twitter @pr_whisperer.