Janelle Monáe: ‘Antebellum’ Is a ‘Kick in the Stomach’ to White Supremacy

Monáe explains why she took on this tough role and how Black women can care for ourselves amid trauma

Aramide Tinubu
Published in
6 min readSep 18, 2020


Janelle Monáe in ‘Antebellum.’
Janelle Monáe in ‘Antebellum.’ Photos: Lionsgate

Making Gerard Bush and Christopher Renz’s Antebellum was always going to be a challenge. Films set in the plantation South press against open wounds that are still present…



Aramide Tinubu
Writer for

Aramide Tinubu is a NYC-based film critic & writer. She wrote her master’s thesis on Black Girlhood and Parental Loss. Find her at awordwitharamide.com.