Illustrations: Dani Pendergast

It’s Time to Strip Abusers and Oppressors of Their Victim Mentality

Astrology that centers women of color: June 22–June 28, 2020


We are just past the weekend’s solar eclipse, and now we’re seeing and feeling the world in a new way. As various revelations come to light over the next several months we’re going to be tested on our ability to start over. Late Monday night, Neptune stations retrograde at 11:31 p.m. CST, removing our rose-colored glasses and helping us see what’s truly going on inside of us. As we dissolve the illusions we’ve held onto for so long, we are pushed to dream new dreams.

Midweek, the Leo moon helps us reflect on how pride and stubbornness can get in the way of progress and fundamental change. All day Wednesday we have a void moon, which is when the moon makes no other major aspects before switching to another sign. Essentially, the moon is off the clock. During this time it’s good to do routine tasks and get in touch with the subtleties of your emotions. Rest, journal, or relax as much as you can Wednesday.

Thursday at 1:48 a.m. CST, Venus in Gemini goes direct and helps our relationships, fashion, and finances get back on track. As Venus moves forward, we will get clear on what we want and how we need to communicate with others about future plans and current desires. However…



Ashleigh D. Jay
Writer for

#Aquarius astrologer finding the logic behind your instincts. | I talk about business, self-mastery, and pop culture.