Is Janelle Monáe Exploiting Her LGBTQ+ Identity For Fame?

With the release of Janelle Monáe’s steamy adult-themed music video, “Lipstick Lover”, her music industry persona is suddenly shifted … and unclear.

Moon Bastet


Recording Artist, Janelle Monae, “Lipstick Lover” Video, — Epic, May 11th 2023

Janelle Monae has freed herself of gender roles, gender conformity and male-centeredness, and most phenomenally, she did all of this while bashing no one else’s truth.

If you thought I planned to come to you today to hate on Janelle Monae’s sexy face, perky brown breasts, cute round cocoa-colored booty, or the girl-on-girl action she hit us with in her new softcore porn music video, “Lipstick Lover” — get up and walk out now, because that is not why I’m here.

We know that Janelle Monae is a proud black queer non-binary woman, and I support her in that.

There is no reason that a woman, any woman, shouldn’t be free to enjoy the heights of her sexuality freely, publicly, and without judgment.

Janelle Monae has freed herself of gender roles, gender conformity, and male-centeredness, and most phenomenally, she did all of this while bashing no one else’s truth.



Moon Bastet
Writer for

Moon Bastet, MBA, MHRM, MPM — Witchy + Educated. Feminist. Tarot Reader. Digital Activist. - Contact: