Inspiration vs. Cultural Appropriation

An intimate conversation between two scholars and fiction writers who’ve witnessed both

Robin Kirk
Published in
8 min readAug 9, 2019


At the 1973 Academy Awards, Sacheen Littlefeather refuses the Academy Award for Best Actor on behalf of Marlon Brando.
At the 1973 Academy Awards, Sacheen Littlefeather refuses the Academy Award for Best Actor on behalf of Marlon Brando who won for his role in The Godfather. Photo: Bettmann/Getty

By Robin Kirk and Karla Holloway

TThe conversation over cultural appropriation is necessary, long in coming, and deeply fraught. By their nature artists, including writers, absorb and incorporate many things into their work…



Robin Kirk
Writer for

Kirk is the author of Righting Wrongs: 20 human rights heroes around the world & a YA fantasy, The Bond Trilogy. She teaches human rights at Duke University.