If All White People Went Back to Their Own Countries

JessiKa Harris
Published in
6 min readMar 1, 2023


The Great White Exodus from America

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

For anyone intending to read the entire article, feel free to not take this article too seriously. But I know the racists will have much to say. They always do.

I thought this would be a fun speculation considering so many non-Euro descendants have been told this a lot throughout the history of this land of the free.

Also, I spend a lot of my time working on my fictional work and don’t get here on Medium as much as I’d like so I thought I’d bring my imagination here.

I’m curious, though. What would a Euro-descent American person feel like if they were told to go back to their own country, especially having been born and raised in the U.S.? I’m sure they’ve all had the privilege of never having to think about it.

I can say it would probably be a lot easier to trace their origins and find out which country or countries their ancestors hailed from. So at least they’d have a better head start than Afro-descent people. But don’t they always?

Anyways, part of the White fragility and fear Euro-Americans have is that they will be outnumbered and overpowered one day. That was almost the exact premise “Whiteness” itself was founded. Some White people already feel threatened when too many people of color…



JessiKa Harris

Mother to two amazing kids, blossoming life partner, multi-genre writer and lover of books. Army vet and student of life.