“I Remember…” | ZORA Call for Submissions

Share your memories for the chance to be featured in ZORA

ZORA Editors
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2021


(Photo credit: Getty Images)

Do you remember where you were 20 years ago on 9/11? How did you feel then? How do you feel now? Have your beliefs about patriotism, nationalism, race and religion evolved since then?

Do you remember the first time you ever heard the words “I love you?” Or how about the last time you felt truly safe? Do you remember the best meal you’ve ever eaten or a really funny, heartwarming moment from your childhood?

Our life experiences are made up of memories, some major and world-shaking, some seemingly insignificant yet still impactful. Write an essay on Medium, and be sure to finish the following sentence: “I remember…” Publish your story and then insert the proper tags so that you can share your impactful, life-changing memories with us. Write and publish your story on your Medium account, and after you hit “publish” be sure to also tag your story “ZORAFall21” for an opportunity to have your work shared in ZORA. If you are writing about 9/11, be sure to tag your story story “September 11.”

If you’re looking for more creative story ideas, be sure to check out Write Here, a Medium space for writing prompts and writer community.




Published in ZORA

A publication from Medium that centers the stories, poetry, essays and thoughts of women of color.

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