For the Black Girls With Secret Attitude Because Theirs Is Too Strong

Want to know a secret? I got a bad attitude. Only my family knows about it though. I cut my eyes harder than the best of them. I talk in a monotone voice when I’m annoyed. My resting bitch face has made children cry. I am big moody diva energy personified.

Jade Scott


Photo by Yegide Matthews on Unsplash

But at work and in life I am smiles and agreeable bubblegum. Whenever I show my true colors I get written up at work. I get asked if I’m okay. I get weird looks and no one understands me, so I figured out long ago that I have to be the complete opposite of how I feel inside.

Some call it fake. I call it not getting fired for existing.

I knew my attitude was intense on one of my first days in a child acting workshop from back in my child-regional-theatre-star days. There was an exercise when we had to display different emotions on stage. Our child workshop director would say “show the emotion of joy” and we would all jump and smile and our joy was so beautiful. He would ask us to show sadness and to do our best to think of things that made us sad. And finally, he would tell us to show anger. While other kids were throwing things, and having a tantrum. I just…

