Exploring Social Justice, Race, and Police Brutality: Unarmed Black Americans and Racism

Wayne Ince
Published in
8 min readSep 12, 2023


Social justice, race, and police brutality are deeply interconnected today. Understanding the concept of social justice is crucial to comprehending the complex dynamics. Social justice encompasses the fair and equitable distribution of resources, rights, and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status.

To fully comprehend the importance of social justice, it becomes imperative to delve into the historical backdrop that has shaped its essence. Throughout history, marginalized communities have fought for their rights and demanded equal treatment. Movements such as the Civil Rights Movement and the fight against apartheid in South Africa illustrate the ongoing struggle for social justice in different parts of the world.

In modern society, social justice remains a pressing concern. Marginalized groups face systemic barriers that hinder their progress and limit their access to opportunities. Income inequality, educational disparities, and institutional discriminatory practices perpetuate social injustice.

The Intersection of Race and Social Justice

The intersection of race and social justice plays a critical role in shaping the experiences of marginalized communities. Race is a social construct used to create hierarchies and reinforce power imbalances. Understanding the role of race in social justice is essential to dismantling these systemic inequalities.

Racial disparities and inequality are pervasive issues that need to be addressed. People of color often face obstacles such as racial profiling, targeted discrimination, and unequal treatment within the criminal justice system. These injustices contribute to the disproportionate rates of incarceration and police violence experienced by communities of color.

One example of racial disparities in the criminal justice system is the issue of racial profiling. Racial profiling refers to law enforcement targeting individuals based on their race or ethnicity rather than on evidence of illegal activity. This discriminatory practice disproportionately affects people of color, who are more likely to be stopped, searched, and arrested by the police than their white counterparts.

Furthermore, targeted discrimination against people of color is another manifestation of the intersection of race and social justice. This discrimination can occur in various settings, such as housing, education, employment, and healthcare. For instance, studies have shown that people of color are more likely to experience housing discrimination, where they are denied equal access to housing opportunities based on race.

In addition to racial profiling and targeted discrimination, unequal treatment within the criminal justice system is a significant issue that perpetuates racial disparities. People of color are likelier to receive harsher sentences and longer prison terms than white individuals who commit similar offenses. This disparity in sentencing contributes to the overrepresentation of people of color in the prison population.

Moreover, the issue of police violence disproportionately affects communities of color. Numerous cases of police brutality against unarmed individuals, particularly black individuals, have sparked widespread outrage and protests. These incidents highlight the urgent need for police reform and accountability to address racial bias and excessive use of force within law enforcement agencies.

Addressing the intersection of race and social justice requires comprehensive efforts to challenge and dismantle systemic racism. This includes implementing policies that promote equal treatment and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity. It also involves raising awareness about the impact of racial disparities and advocating for systemic changes to ensure a more just and equitable society.

Police Brutality: A Glaring Issue

Police brutality is a glaring issue that demands attention and swift action. It refers to the excessive and often unjustified use of force by law enforcement officials against individuals, resulting in severe physical harm or even death. Instances of police brutality have become increasingly visible due to the widespread use of technology and social media.

Understanding the definition and forms of police brutality is crucial to addressing this problem effectively. It encompasses actions such as unnecessary use of force, racial profiling, and discriminatory practices. Such actions undermine the principles of fairness, equality, and justice that guide law enforcement interactions with the public.

The impact of police brutality reaches far beyond the immediate victims. It creates a climate of fear and mistrust within communities, particularly among marginalized groups who are disproportionately targeted. The trauma and psychological toll inflicted on individuals and communities affected by police brutality cannot be underestimated.

One form of police brutality that has gained significant attention recently is excessive force during arrests. This occurs when law enforcement officers employ more staff than necessary to subdue a suspect, often resulting in severe injuries or even death. While the use of force may sometimes be justified in certain situations, it is essential to ensure that it is proportionate and necessary.

Racial profiling is another aspect of police brutality that has sparked widespread outrage. It refers to targeting individuals based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than their behavior or evidence of wrongdoing. Racial profiling perpetuates stereotypes and prejudices, leading to unjust arrests and harassment of innocent individuals solely based on their appearance.

Discriminatory practices within law enforcement agencies also contribute to the issue of police brutality. This can include biased policing, where officers disproportionately target individuals from specific racial or ethnic backgrounds. Additionally, the lack of diversity within police departments can perpetuate biases and hinder practical community policing efforts.

Communities affected by police brutality often experience profound fear and mistrust toward law enforcement. This fear can lead to a breakdown in communication and cooperation between the police and the community, making it challenging to maintain public safety. Law enforcement agencies must actively work towards rebuilding trust through transparency, accountability, and community engagement initiatives.

The psychological impact of police brutality on individuals and communities cannot be overstated. Survivors of police brutality may have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The fear of encountering law enforcement can lead to heightened stress and anxiety levels within communities, affecting their overall well-being and quality of life.

Furthermore, the economic consequences of police brutality can be significant. Lawsuits filed against law enforcement agencies for instances of police brutality can result in substantial financial settlements, leading to a strain on public resources. Additionally, the negative publicity surrounding cases of police brutality can deter businesses from investing in affected communities, further exacerbating economic disparities.

Police brutality is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention and action. Understanding the various forms of police brutality and their far-reaching consequences is essential in addressing this problem effectively. Law enforcement agencies must prioritize transparency, accountability, and community engagement to rebuild trust and ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals within their communities.

Unarmed Black Americans: Victims of Racism and Police Brutality

Unarmed Black Americans have become tragic symbols of both racism and police brutality. The statistics of unarmed Black Americans involved in police encounters are alarming. According to a study conducted by the Mapping Police Violence project, Black individuals are three times more likely to be killed by police than their white counterparts. This staggering disparity highlights the systemic racism ingrained within law enforcement institutions.

The frequency with which Black individuals are subjected to violence and discrimination by law enforcement underscores the deep-rooted racial bias that permeates society. The Washington Post’s database on police shootings reveals that police officers disproportionately target unarmed Black Americans. Unarmed Black individuals are five times more likely to be shot and killed by police than unarmed white individuals. These shocking figures shed light on the urgent need for comprehensive police reform and the eradication of racial profiling.

The psychological impact of these incidents on the Black community is profound. Each instance of police brutality against an unarmed Black person reinforces the fear, anxiety, and frustration experienced by individuals and communities. The constant threat of violence perpetuates a cycle of trauma that undermines the principles of safety, security, and justice that should be provided to all citizens.

Moreover, the effects of police brutality extend far beyond the immediate victims. Families, friends, and entire communities are left grappling with the emotional aftermath of these tragic events. The pain and anguish felt by loved ones of unarmed Black Americans killed by police are immeasurable. They are left to mourn the loss of a cherished family member, a friend, a neighbor, and a fellow community member who was taken away unjustly.

Furthermore, the trauma experienced by witnesses of police brutality cannot be overlooked. These incidents often occur in public spaces, witnessed by bystanders who are left traumatized by the violence they have seen. The psychological impact of witnessing such brutality can have long-lasting effects on mental health and well-being.

The ripple effects of police brutality against unarmed Black Americans extend to the broader society. These incidents erode trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve and protect. When marginalized communities witness the unjust treatment of their fellow members, it breeds a sense of resentment. It deepens the divide between law enforcement and the people they are sworn to protect.

It is crucial to recognize that the fight against racism and police brutality is not solely the responsibility of the Black community. It is a collective effort that requires the active participation and allyship of individuals from all racial backgrounds. Only through unity and a commitment to justice can we hope to dismantle the systemic racism that perpetuates these injustices.

Racism: An Underlying Factor

Racism is an underlying factor in perpetuating police brutality and social injustice. The roots of racism in America can be traced back to the country’s history of slavery, colonization, and racial oppression. These deep-seated prejudices have spilled over into various aspects of society, including law enforcement.

The manifestation of racism in law enforcement is evident in the disproportionate targeting and mistreatment of individuals based on race. Implicit biases and systemic racism within institutions perpetuate discriminatory practices and hinder progress toward social justice. Recognizing and confronting these biases is essential for creating a more equitable and just society.

The Roots of Racism in America

The roots of racism in America run deep. From the arrival of the first enslaved Africans to the colonization and displacement of Indigenous peoples, the country’s history is marked by racial oppression. The legacy of slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow laws has shaped racial dynamics and contributed to the ongoing marginalization of Black and Indigenous communities.

The Manifestation of Racism in Law Enforcement

The manifestation of racism in law enforcement is a troubling reality that cannot be ignored. Racial profiling, unfair treatment, and excessive force disproportionately target people of color. The over-policing of minority communities and the underpricing of predominantly white areas exemplify the systemic disparities in law enforcement practices.

In conclusion, exploring the interconnected issues of social justice, race, and police brutality is paramount in addressing the injustices faced by unarmed Black Americans. Understanding the historical context and intersectionality of these issues is crucial for effecting meaningful change. By confronting racism, addressing systemic inequalities, and demanding accountability, society can strive towards a more equitable and just future.



Wayne Ince
Writer for

I write about social justice, mental health, and politics. Military Veteran USAF. Defense Meritorious Service Medal & Joint Service Commendation Medal 🎖️