Can Woke Folk and Christmas Celebrations Coexist?

The push and pull of navigating the holidays while trying to stay woke is no walk on the beach

Maia Niguel Hoskin, Ph.D.
5 min readDec 21, 2021


A person bogged down with gifts is also checking their cell phone as the snow falls. Is this person you?

Now that Christmas and New Year’s are only a few short days away, we are officially hurtling into the good and bad of the holiday season. For many, this is a time filled with happiness and cheer. After all, it’s supposed to…



Maia Niguel Hoskin, Ph.D.
Editor for

@zora Guest Editor, Professor, Forbes Contributor, Race Scholar, Activist, Therapist, Keynote Speaker, Consultant, Wife, Mother, & Addict of Ice Cream &Cheese.