Dear Teachers: Missed Calls and Meetings Don’t Equal Not Caring About Our Kids

Some advice: Not all parent meetings have to be from 3–6 p.m., and most can be via Zoom

GFC: Grown Folk Conversations


Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash

School is about to start, and I know most educators are hopeful and optimistic about the new academic year. As a former K-12 teacher, I remember looking at my list of students with a tinge of excitement and nervousness from the previous year. Back in the day, I would have tried calling the contact numbers to introduce myself and let my student’s parent or guardian know who I am and how excited I was to meet and teach their child.

This year feels different. This summer has been a doozy! Between the brutal heat, the wave of gun violence, inflation, and high prices for gas, food, and school supplies — a lot of people are stressed. Covid-19 reinfection rates are on the rise and just as parents and educators prepare for the regular back-to-school kiddie germs, cooties, and colds, now monkeypox has been added to the mix.

I get it — we’ve got a lot on our minds and the pandemic and quarantine have changed everything about teaching and learning. A lot of poor districts are still playing catch up due to the digital divide and housing issues we discovered during the quarantine. I’ve heard so many dedicated teachers and educators…



GFC: Grown Folk Conversations
Writer for

We observe life through the lens of experience and intersectionality. We reflect, share, and welcome dialogue. Let the laughter, learning & healing begin!