Are You Ready for the New Moon?

Ashleigh D. Jay
Published in
1 min readMay 10, 2021
Photo: Marcus Dall Col via Unsplash

Venus ended her time in Taurus and flitted over to Gemini on May 8, increasing the desire to chat and exchange insight with people who pique our curiosity and those who can help us impact our community. Did you feel it?

Meanwhile here is one way to think about and work with this week’s new moon energy:

May 11 brings the Taurus new moon, which asks us to do the work to grow. Perhaps you need a new landscape to grow on or new seeds to plant or new nurturing methods. Either way, this is a great lunation for making sustainable pleasure a habit. Our personal values are undergoing a serious overhaul, but it’s going to take time and effort to implement the changes we’re making. How can we take better care of our environment and ourselves moving forward? Taurus is about experiencing the earthly work of beauty through our senses.




Published in ZORA

A publication from Medium that centers the stories, poetry, essays and thoughts of women of color.

Ashleigh D. Jay
Ashleigh D. Jay

Written by Ashleigh D. Jay

#Aquarius astrologer finding the logic behind your instincts. | I talk about business, self-mastery, and pop culture.

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