A Mother’s B(l)ack to School Prayer

Lissen… I need your attention now as we pray for schools upon their return. Lettuce pray!

Alexandria M. Cummings
2 min readAug 21, 2023


Photo by ABEL MARQUEZ on Unsplash

Dear Lord,

We thank you for this school year, rich with opportunity! I pray these amazing Chicago educators will stand and deliver as they embark on the momentous task of raising the awareness of these, Father God, young and dangerous minds each day. Lord, I pray that they not be bad teachers, even with a gifted child like mine who is one of the great debaters.

I pray the educators affirm that the children are the future, Lord, that we teach them well, so we can let them lead the way. Show them now, Father, ALL the beauty they possess inside. Show them how they can own their beauty and power like Moses, as he parted the Red Sea! Lord, let the children be brave enough to part their own red, blue, and green seas and the rivers and lakes that they’re used to! Hallelujah!!

I ask that on/or before the last day of instruction, June 6, 2024, our children will beam as brightly as those Friday night lights that Mary and Joseph followed that one night to a tiny house in Bethlehem. That they may one day be our greatest accomplishment like Mr. Holland’s opus! Shalom!!

Lastly, Lord I ask that parents, all of them, that they show up and be present in their own way. That they will each day look to their neighbors, the ones to their left and to their right… in the school community… and say YOU can “lean on me” and vice-a-versa. That they will be kind at drop off and pick up AND park their cars like it’s a public street, not a private driveway. Somebody say “yes!” May they not speed away triflingly once their child is safely inside the school house, while mine is yet crossing the street. Shalleluyah! Because I don’t wanna blow the whistle on them. (The Lord knows my temper is too short. Whew!!)

And finally for the principals… that they lead with the tenacity and vision of Mr. Joe Clark, but with the grace of Iyanla. Then, at the end of the school year, we will remember the titans of education! All of them — security guards, crossing guards, food service, school clerks, educators, administrators, social workers, school nurses, custodians, bus drivers, athletic coaches, advisors, support staff, and paraprofessionals. If you believe the Lord with me say “Ahmen!” Now hug somebody and say that’s a Mother’s Prayer.




Published in ZORA

A publication from Medium that centers the stories, poetry, essays and thoughts of women of color.

Alexandria M. Cummings
Alexandria M. Cummings

Written by Alexandria M. Cummings

Black Woman first. Wife. Mom. Bad Ass. I love all things Chicago and am doing my absolute best to live authentically and shine as brightly as God created me.

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