Published inZORAI’m a Black Scholar Who Studies Race. Here’s Why I Capitalize ‘White.’I haven’t always capitalized the ‘W’ in my own writing, but I do nowJul 2, 202066Jul 2, 202066
Here’s Where All of the Chicago Mayoral Candidates Stand on the Issue of an Elected School BoardWhat is an elected representative school board and why does it matter?Nov 11, 20181Nov 11, 20181
Published inWords That MatterIt Is Us, It Is Now, It is Ever: The Truth About a Nation of ViolenceA sociologist recounts the bloody history of America and challenges our tendency to disown a legacy of violence.Dec 7, 20175Dec 7, 20175
Published inLUMINOUSVacancies to FillConsidering desire in the past and future of Chicago’s vacant schools.Aug 7, 201710Aug 7, 201710
Published inLUMINOUSThe Chicago Negro and the Warsaw GhettoAntiblackness at the root of gun violence “solutions”Jul 19, 201772Jul 19, 201772