3 Things Most Spiritual People Will Struggle With But Eventually Get Used to

They’ll really bother you at first but you’ll learn to accept it

Kimberly Fosu


(Photo: Oberholster Venita)

1. People Worrying About You

Nobody will understand you when you have a spiritual awakening. You’ll do things you wouldn’t otherwise do. Where you’d stay, you’ll go. Where you’d say something, you’ll stay quiet. Where you’ll go out, you’ll stay in.

You’ll quit anything that doesn’t serve you, including relationships, friendships, and jobs.

You won’t look back.

Your friends will think that you have either finally lost your mind or you’re on drugs. They’ll look at you funny as if you’ve gone crazy. They will tell you to snap out of it already.

They’ll worry about you.

Your family also won’t understand why you’ve suddenly changed. They’ll look at you as if someone else is inhabiting your body. They will wonder what in the world happened to you for you to change so much.

They’ll also worry about you.

It may have bothered you at first that everyone seems to be worried about who you’ve changed to become, but after a while, it won’t bother you at all. You will understand why they are worried and…



Kimberly Fosu

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1BMHLY