3 Sides to Every Story: Your Weekly Spiritual Advice
Amber the Alchemist pulls a tarot and an oracle card just for you
As Mercury in haterade and eclipse season has us battling with revelations, miscommunications, delays, and unexpected mixups, we are tasked by Spirit to keep our cool.
Baba Cutlass’s energetic influence on the collective this week stresses the importance of mind over matter. The key to this week is our receptiveness to informational downloads, healing a relationship, extending forgiveness, releasing a situation, or preparing for the next chapter.
Throughout my journey, I’ve always heard a version of this Robert Evans quote: “There are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each differently.”
Each of us experiences life through our own lens and personal perceptions. What we see becomes our truth. Our egos don’t make it easy for us to consider alternative truths because it would mean we’d have to hold ourselves accountable or shed our victim mindset and other narratives that may limit us.