3 Reasons Why You’re Going Through a Waiting Season

It's not easy but there’s a purpose in the wait

Kimberly Fosu


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1. The Timing Is Not Right

Waiting is one of the most difficult things to do, yet it involves doing nothing. It’s no fun sitting around doing nothing when there’s something you’d rather be doing, but waiting is a necessary skill to learn or life gets unnecessarily painful.

There’s a time and season for everything.

If things feel like it’s been slowed and isn’t coming to you easily, don’t push or force them. Take a step back. Understand that your life is already written and mapped out. You won’t stay behind a day and you won’t arrive a day sooner. You will arrive at the right time.

It may not be the right time to have the thing you want right now. The thing you want is not right for you.

If the person you’re waiting for isn’t right in their mind, they will be no good for you. Waiting a while will save you from what's not meant for you.

Maybe you’re being made to wait because the universe is preparing something better for you. Don’t settle for the next best. Wait for the best. Don't force something to happen when it's not the right time. Wait on divine timing.



Kimberly Fosu

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1BMHLY