I Lived Under A Dictatorship. I Know What’s At Stake For This Country

As a Chinese immigrant, I want to make sure I use my right to free speech

Anjali Enjeti
Published in
4 min readOct 23, 2020


Colorful mural by BiLan, shows BiLan in the center with anti-Trump protestors in foreground.
Mural by BiLan Liao.

Ever since she became a U.S. citizen, BiLan Liao, a painter and retired art professor who immigrated to the U.S. from China in 1999, has taken elections very seriously. She began voting shortly after she became a citizen in…



Anjali Enjeti
Writer for

Journalist, critic & columnist at ZORA. Essay collection SOUTHBOUND (UGA Press) & debut novel THE PARTED EARTH (Hub City Press), spring ’21. anjalienjeti.com.